Cost of Printing vs. Ebook Distribution

Today, I am going to talk about the cost of printing vs. Ebook distribution.  Obviously, if a book was distributed by printing, a lot of different costs go into it, such as cost for paper, labor, bindings, print, and shipping.  Alternatively, Ebook distribution costs are dramatically lower.  There is no shipping cost, there is not printing cost, or paper cost; the only cost would be the cost paid to the developer for making the ebook and the company that distributes the ebook.  Is this a good thing?  Many jobs will be lost and only someone with a specific skill set in computer development can help make an ebook.  There also is an unlimited supply of ebooks, unlike paper books.  This makes the possibilities of distribution endless for ebooks as long as there is internet, but there is a limit for paper book distribution.  I think that publishers may move to ebooks because it can make them a lot more money.  I don’t think this is a good thing because many people can lose their jobs.

Currently, ebook distribution is somewhat impractical because the majority of people do not have e-readers and there are political and logistical problems (that you can read about in THIS article) that have arisen.

What do you think?


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