Losing the fun

Today while thinking about the prompt, I remembered the time I stood in line at midnight to get the final Harry Potter book. Although this seems silly and a bit useless, I realized the whole aspect of a book release disappears with the introduction of electronic readers. Why would you wait in line, when you can click a button and up load it in a second?

5 thoughts on “Losing the fun

  1. malhotrb Post author

    It would take away a lot of fun if you couldn’t wait in line for the harry potter book! That would be awful if we could just download the book at midnight instead of going out, making friends, and waiting together excitedly to get the new book.

  2. filipekc Post author

    That’s very true. I was reminded of the scene in “Devil Wears Prada” when Anne Hathaway has to rush to get the manuscript for Miranda’s twin daughters. In the future kids who watch this will probably laugh and ask why they didn’t just electronically download it.

  3. cantorb Post author

    Ebook people can have a line for getting the ebook also. Each person could get a number and they can’t download the ebook until the number before them did also. This creates a “line” and still has anticipation.

  4. rauc Post author

    That’s a sad realization. Although as Brian mentioned there could potentially be a “line” over the internet somehow in which the book wont download on your computer until a certain time. But still all you would have to do in that situation is wait in your house; you are missing the interaction with the “die hard” fans of the book or author and that experience can’t be replicated.

  5. sheetss Post author

    i was thinking the same thing but with regards to video games 🙂 video games are starting to be downloadable through your console and video game stores will eventually be part of the past


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