E-books an Summer Reading

I recently read an article about how many schools and students have chosen to use electronic readers instead of hard copies of books for summer reading. When of the main points the article discusses is how much easier it is for people to travel with electronic readers. This whole article made me think about how convenience has seemed to come above everything else for us. I cannot help but ask myself is convenience causing us to lose different things. When I read my summer reading books, I was able to flip through the pages and just sit and read on my own. However, now some electronic reads have games in them or even programs that read the book to you. It just does not seem like the same summer reading anymore.


3 thoughts on “E-books an Summer Reading

  1. malhotrb Post author

    Convenience will be the death of economy. Once everything is made so that humans have to do nothing, there will be no reason for people to exist if everything can be done without us.

  2. filipekc Post author

    That’s very true. I think that often when we read books now a days we have some sort of electronic device by our side.

  3. rauc Post author

    convenience definitely does seem to run our lives. But taking the easy way out isn’t always the best way, in my opinion. Some things should not be tampered with. Although they may not be touch screen or give you access to the internet with the click of a button, books are very well made and serve their aimed purpose, without distraction.


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