Zero Draft Thoughts

Just some questions that have come to mind while thinking about this portfolio. I’m trying to decide which questions I will focus on.

Without copyright would aritists want to to keep producing their particular art form? How would it impact other areas such as theatre and movies that are often based on books?Would a world without copyright lead to more creativity and an increase in unconventional forms of art? Would a world without copyright law lead to artistic chaos?



2 thoughts on “Zero Draft Thoughts

  1. cantorb Post author

    That’s a really great point. I would hope people would have the decency not to copy other people’s work and be creative on their own, but that probably wouldn’t happen in all cases.

  2. sheetss Post author

    There would definitely be numerous authors copying the individual styles of others and create a sort of chaos. But at the same time it would give authors the ability to produce a piece with another author’s assistance that could perhaps create a certain style that is only possible through the emergence of multiple styles of writing.


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