Ebooks and Self-Publishing

One of the major changes that has come with the rising popularity of ebooks has been self-publishing.  Many authors are bypassing the traditional route of using agents, editors, and publishing houses in favor of self-publishing.  One recently famous example of this new trend is with the controversial Fifty Shades trilogy.  The wikipedia article on self-publishing outlines the advantages and disadvantages of self-publishing.  This article focuses on some of the positive aspects of self-publishing, such as price and diversity, based on its recent success and popularity.

What do you think of self-publishing?  It is helping or hurting the publishing industry, the quality of literature today?  If you were a writer, would you self-publish?

2 thoughts on “Ebooks and Self-Publishing

  1. cantorb Post author

    I think self-publishing is fine, but it is very difficult to break into the field. A well established publisher has many resources that a freelance publisher might not have. I think it is helping the publishing industry by having more competition and I also think that it is helping the quality of literature because it’s usually the good books that are published by well-known companies and are able to be marketed. I would not self-publish because of the amount of work that would have to go into a release and printing of a book. I would have a company do that for me.

  2. mortatia Post author

    i think that if someone wants to self publish they should go for it. i would personally rather go to a publishing company but if someone wants the responsibility to do it themselves, more power to them.


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