Changes Coming?

It seems like change could happen in the future for copyright law. It is refreshing to see that the head of the Copyright Office acknowledges the fact that the system has some issues. I am not surprised that this is going to take a great deal of time to fix things but you cannot expect such an overhaul to happen over night. I also didn’t realize how many stakeholders this could potentially affect.

2 thoughts on “Changes Coming?

  1. wrightka Post author

    I think it is great that the issues surrounding copyright are finally being looked into. I understand how many different people could be effected by this change but all change causes problems. It is at least important to look at the problems and see if some are fixable.

  2. Brittany Kulcsar Post author

    I am happy that a change may be headed towards copyright. It is way too intricate a system and I have come to learn that it has many different flaws. I am sure that many of these flaws could be easily fixed, people have simply avoided fixing them.


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