Taco Bell has a very popular Doritos Loco Taco. This translates to “Dorito Crazy Taco” which means that the taco is a crazy taco that is made out of Doritos. Here is a link to the picture of it. If you look at the logo, you will see that there is a Trademark symbol next to the word “Doritos”. This is because Taco Bell does not own the rights to the word “Doritos”.  Every taco that Taco Bell sells, multiple companies will make a percentage of a profit off of it; Taco Bell will make money because they are the business selling the tacos, and Frito-Lays (the company that makes the Doritos) will make some money because Taco Bell is using their chip as the taco shell.  If you rinse all of the seasoning of a Doritos taco shell off, does that void the agreement between Frito-Lays and Taco Bell? Because technically without the seasoning, the taco shell wouldn’t be a Dorito.

5 thoughts on “TACO BELL!

  1. mortatia Post author

    I have seen promotions for the product everywhere yet I never looked closely enough to see the trademark. If you rinse all the seasoning off the shell, I would assume it would still be Dorito since the original product was one. I would think you are still eating a Dorito because it would be manufactured by Frito-Lays. All you would have done was wipe off their particular seasoning.

  2. rauc Post author

    I think that it is still considered a dorito because at one point in the frito-lay factory the dorito was most likely like that, a bland chip with no seasoning(before the cheese was added). Because we normally think of doritos only as the end product (with the orange cheese powder on them) we don’t notice that the chips are a combination of a bunch of individual things.

  3. Candace Beach Post author

    It would still be considered a Dorito. The original recipe for the chip is still present, one element is just missing. I also didn’t notice the trademark before you mentioned it. I also wonder how much Taco Bell is paying Frito-Lays to use their product or if Frito-Lays is paying Taco Bell to use their product.

  4. wrightka Post author

    Even if you rinse all the seasoning off, I still think it is considered a Dorito. Dorito still event the taste and the hard shell. With or without the seasoning, the chip is still a Dorito.

  5. Brittany Kulcsar Post author

    I think that it would still be considered a Dorito because the chip, when the seasonings are washed off it, is still Dorito’s recipe. I am sure that the recipe for taco bell’s taco shells differs in some way.


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