Posters for President

I made posters for my brother when he was in middle school when he was running for student government president and I thought of a campaign to incorporate his name into well known logos and slogans. He didn’t make any money off of these posters, but he gained recognition by his peers for having cool posters that people can recognize. I may have violated copyright laws by making these posters by using other people’s intellectual property, but I think it was okay because it was my idea to use those logos and think of an artistic way to incorporate his name into them.  Since no one made any money, it was purely an art project that benefited my brother. Do you think that companies would be angry that I did this? I don’t think they will because I don’t mean anything to them and I didn’t make millions of dollars off of my alternate designs of their logos.

One thought on “Posters for President

  1. mortatia Post author

    I think this can fall under fair use because you changed the context of the work while also making it more visible. Because there was no monetary gain on your end, I don’t think a company would be too bothered by this.


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