The Good Body

On Wednesday night, I actually decided to go to the student run play The Good Body. This was an incredible experience. The entire play consisted of an entirely all female cast who each played a character with a very unique story about their bodies. The play focused on making people specifically women more empowered by their bodies. The cast did a phenomenal of over exaggerating common frustrations women have about their bodies. I think this really aided in showing people how silly and useless it is to be so focused on our body image 24/7. The actresses all had copies of the play in their hand during the performance. The actually read straight from the play, which allowed to violate no possible copyright laws. However while watching them read straight from the play book, I thought of a comment Professor Lodge made about how although you can follow a play line for line you can still make your performance of a play unique. I really think the actresses and director did this with the Lafayette performance of The Good Body. I had heard the story of The Good Body before however when I watched this play I felt like I was hearing the story for the first time, which I think is a huge accomplishment for the cast.

2 thoughts on “The Good Body

  1. rauc Post author

    I think your point is valid and also relates to books vs. eBooks. The content is the same, word for word, however the experience is much different from book to eBook.

  2. Shannon Moran Post author

    I really wanted to go to The Good Body! I’m glad you enjoyed the performance. It’s great to see that, even when actors are required to follow a strict script, they have the skill to make it their own and communicate their story to the audience.


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