Basketball Game

While at the game last night I noticed that my friends back at school were not entirely happy about not being able to watch the game. The Lafayette Sports Network was not broadcasting the game and not everyone gets CBS sports. So I decided to look into why LSN didn’t show the game. Apparently the rights vary on the type of event. During the regular season the respective institutions have the rights but then rights go to networks once tournaments and championships occur.

2 thoughts on “Basketball Game

  1. Abigail Williams Post author

    March Madness is a huge profit generator and colleges that make the tournament get a slice of the profits. Is there a fair amount that can be calculated given the amount of money that the schools generate for the networks and NCAA?

  2. wrightka Post author

    I was really frustrated because I could not watch the game. However after learning about why I could not watch the game, I kind of understand why the networks should be allowed to have the rights. I feel like when the networks are in control no school can take advantage of the situation and gain all the profits for themselves.


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