Compagnie Marie Chouinard

This performance definitely took me by surprise right from the start. Not only were the costumes that the dancers were wearing quite scandalous, but also the dance moves themselves were a bit risk-ay. Coming into the performance expecting to watch a laid back ballet of sorts performed to classical music, I was very taken a back at what ensued.

But that is beside the point. This performance was greatly related to copyright. The fact that the musical works of Chopin and Stravinsky were interpreted in such different ways than usual really seemed to capture the audience’s attention; I was very surprised by the performance as a whole, to say the least. What went on on stage was definitely very creative and original, so although I did not particularly like the performance it was interesting to watch.

The idea of interpreting or putting a story behind classical music reminded me of an experience I had in elementary school listening to Peter and the Wolf for the first time. Since we were told previously what this piece was “about,” my mind was set on what to imagine. It did not leave room for creativity for me to make up my own story in my head. I was not able to come up with the artistic creativity that Marie Chouinard expressed through the dance performance. Thus, in the same sense, it seems to me that creativity and out of the box thinking is squashed with rules like copyright, keeping everything the same and one dimensional.

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