Compagnie Marie Chouinard

Last night I attended the ballet performance being given at Williams.  Choreographed by Marie Chouinard, the performance was much more avant-garde than I was expecting. This drew my curiosity and led me to find more information on Marie Chouinard. Biographical notes state, “The works created since 1978 reflect the concerns of this surprising choreographer: her view of dance as a sacred art, her respect for the body as a vehicle of that art, her virtuoso approach to performance and the invention of a different universe for each new piece.”  In her piece, “The Rite of Spring”, Chouinard chose to focus on solos as to show the depth of each dancer, something different from others who worked with the same piece of music.  I find it fascinating how one piece of music can evoke such different interpretations from different artists.  I used to competitively dance, and I can remember at competitions, the same song being used, but completely different dances being performed.  While the music may have been the same, the dances evoked different emotions from audience members.

One thought on “Compagnie Marie Chouinard

  1. rauc Post author

    It is quite interesting how people can react to a piece of music so differently in interpreting its “message.”


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