Arabian Nights

I enjoyed the play much more than I thought I would, especially considering I thought it would be like the typical Arabian Nights telling. I liked how it was set in the present, and that despite the time difference between the stories, the moral was applicable in our lives. However, that does bring up an interesting question in copyright – did Mary Zimmerman have to request the rights for each of those individual stories? Or did she simply use the public domain for those? How do anonymously told legends and stories become copyrighted, or is anyone allowed to use them?

2 thoughts on “Arabian Nights

  1. massiek Post author

    It is an interesting thought, who actually owns great old stories? It would be interesting research topic to follow the copyright history of something like Sherlock Holmes or other famous stories.

  2. cantorb Post author

    I usually can fall asleep during plays, but I thought it was very professional. I liked how the songs were written specifically for that play.


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