Blog Prompt – Week 6

A recent event has come up that is related to what has been discussed both in class and the readings involving copyright. The event involves a further continuation of the efforts being made to enforce copyright laws and limit fair use over the internet. Just this past week the newly formed Center for Copyright Information (CCI) announced the release of the Copyright Alert System. The goal of this program is to severely limit the act of piracy online. Essentially, this program sends warning emails to people who the CCI has determined have committed copyright fraud. These emails serve not only to warn people, but also to educate on what is and isn’t acceptable. If an individual gets repeated offenses, the CCi can enact penalties on them, which include slowing internet speeds or temporarily reducing internet access. Many are concerned over this development, and rightly so. It seems as if this program could potentially strike another blow to the campaign for fair use over the internet. It will be interesting to monitor this program in the near future to see what the effects of it are.

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