More on Plagiarism

While researching for my previous blog post, I found this 2010 article from the New York Times.  I felt that it needed its own post, as it deals with plagiarism in a slightly different way.  This article focuses on the role of technology in regards to plagiarism.  The author examines plagiarism in college and how digital media is blurring rules of plagiarism, as more and more students fail to cite their sources from neglect and ignorance.  Students are also more often directly copying from websites and other digital sources, as the internet has made this even easier, with a simply “copy” and “paste” command.  The author writes that the internet is changing how students “understand the concept of authorship and the singularity of any text or image.”  The author includes shocking statistics, such as one that states that “the number [of students] believed that copying from the Web constitutes “serious cheating” is declining — to 29 percent.”

It’s a pretty interesting article.  This relates directly not only to this class, but to our lives as college students, as we continue our undergraduate educations and technology continues to play a larger role in this education.

One thought on “More on Plagiarism

  1. rauc Post author

    This is a scary point. And it seemingly will only get worse with the increase of e-books and other type of online book databases. There will eventually be so much information that things may even become lost in the mix.


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