Response to Lab

After watching The Making of a Renaissance Book it was a nice review of what we have learned and seen how printing presses are used.  It was similar to the EPI demonstration we viewed at EPI but with some broader details.  However, in my opinion it didn’t portray how long it takes to put all the type in and how precise it is.  The only way to truly understand that is to actually do it or view it.

One topic it did cover was how the type was made which is something I have been wondering.  It takes longer than even putting the type in and I had been wondering how they make it so precise.  My questions about this were answered in this video.  Once again the art of print making has been made clear how difficult an art form it is.

One thought on “Response to Lab

  1. mortatia Post author

    The printing process is definitely tedious. I think that it is quite sad how today, in our modern society, people have forgotten what goes into creating a printed work and are instead, focusing on the newest and fastest ways of obtaining and reading. I think that many people fail to notice and consider the beginning steps to print.


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