Tuesday’s Class

Our most recent trip to the library was by far the most interesting one. Many of the books displayed on the tables were unorthodox to say the least. Their construction and content goes against most people’s basic definition of a modern codex. However, in a way, these pieces seemed to be sort of a throwback to the early days of manuscripts. Back in those times, books were seen not as just a form of technology used for sharing information or telling stories, but were in many ways an art form. That was clearly the goal in mind with the production of the books viewed in class. It was blatantly clear that a great deal of labor went into the creation of these pieces, and the results were beautiful works of art. I will try and keep an eye out for such artistic works in the future whenever I am in a place that sells books. Perhaps I will run into one of the examples we viewed on Tuesday.

One thought on “Tuesday’s Class

  1. ashnaulb Post author

    I agree with the author that these books were different form what I was used to and this was the most interesting trip to the library yet. This is a case of how books are becoming an art form as well as a way to distribute information. However, I had never seen something like this before which leads me to believe that it is a fairly niche market.


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