Words from Bacon’s essay:
that need pruning
give forth directions
wise men use them
but to weigh and consider
read wholly, and with diligence and attention
Histories make men wise
My essay revisits the topic of authorship and readership in the context of the Fourteenth Amendment and marriage. In order for the Constitution to remain a living document, it must be elastic. Judges must interpret the document and not be consumed by original intent. Case rulings “need pruning” so that precedent can stand. The Constitution, specifically the Fourteenth Amendment when discussing social issues, must be read wholly with diligence and attention to the concept of equal rights and due process. The Fourteenth Amendment “gives forth direction” for judges to find their destination within a case.
I found that I took the words out of context and tried to force them to work. It was an all-around disaster! It was difficult to make it flow together or make any sense. The final product was a muddled mess.
I experienced the same difficulties during the plagiarism workshop. Without the ability to add in my own sentences, it was difficult to create a flow with the copy-pasted materials. There simply is no replacement for writing an original work. This is the only way to ensure a quality piece.
Plagiarism seems silly to me because it’s so difficult to do it successfully. Along with the incredible risk that can scare a student forever it is also very difficult to achieve.