Who Determines the Value of a Book

A book promotes social occasions and education but it must come with a price.  But should author’s have the authority to give it a price based on their belief of the value their own work?  Authors should gain crediblity through their works not by an artificially created value by marking high prices.  Maybe books should be priced by a simple standard.  For example:  Its materials could have a 1-10 score based on value,  then that number multiplied by its weight.  If prices were solely determined by materials and not author’s and publisher’s decisions, then books could be judged based on their merit alone.

4 thoughts on “Who Determines the Value of a Book

  1. Daniel Mills Post author

    Right. I always wondered what determined the price of a book. Especially purely IP works like fiction.

  2. mortatia Post author

    Yeah, i always wondered also. I think the content and how well it is presented should definitely play a part.

  3. Jason Elliot Melendez Post author

    I feel like price for the most part already gets solely determines by the materials that went into the book. Hardcover costs more than paperback, 200 pages more than 100, etc. In that regard, a well known author gets prices upped BECAUSE their name is known, and people would be willing to buy their books at a raised price.

  4. Brittany Kulcsar Post author

    I think the price of a book definitely should be based on content rather than simply how costly the book’s materials were.


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