Proposals for Secondary Digital Market

Through my research and my paper, I believe the Secondary digital market will eventually be legalized. In the expectance of the arrival of this legalization, through my research I have three points that I believe should be instilled and maintained in order to have lawmakers, judges, consumers, and producers at ease. First compensation to artists or programmers should be maintained. I will leave the percentage to the statisticians. Although this aspect doesn’t mirror traditional ownership, the changes technology has created in its accessibility and price has created a need for compensation to artists even for secondary sale. Secondly, the fact that these digital works do not lose value may be cause controversy. If this factor must be addressed, I propose one of three options to be implemented. The first option is stated in Amazon’s patent: “When a digital object exceeds a threshold number of moves or downloads, the ability to move may be deemed impermissible and suspended or terminated.” Second option: have the program lose some of its quality through each exchange. Third option: make the amount of money one can receive from their digital work contingent on the amount they have used it. This option would be particularly benefitial to ebooks because someone who read a few pages should be given more money than someone who has read the entire book.  With the current resistance of the federal court to authorize secondary digital markets, I believe the only way the judges would approve this market is if artists are compensated for secondary digital resale and there is some sort of strategy to counteract the fact the digital content does not depreciate.  


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