plagiarism 101

After the plagiarism workshop we did in class, I searched around the internet to see what types of websites would pop up in regards to plagiarism.  I came across this one which even provides a link to check for plagiarism in your work. This reminded me of middle school where we used to have to submit works like essays to a website that would show teachers if plagiarism had been committed. I remember how nervous we all were when we went to submit our first essays.  I think that by having us do this, we all worked a little bit harder on our essays. I also think that doing this so early on led me to never even considered plagiarism.  I found the activities we did in class on Tuesday to be quite difficult.

2 thoughts on “plagiarism 101

  1. rauc Post author

    I never experienced having to submit my essays to a website to check for plagiarism, but that does sound quite nerve racking. Plagiarism never came to my mind as it was drilled into my head never to do it. And the exercises that we did in class definitely confirmed that plagiarism is not the right way to go.

  2. Brittany Kulcsar Post author

    I also used to have to submit my essays to a special site that would let my teacher know what percent of the paper contained phrases also found in other papers or online material. Even though I never plagiarized, and I’m sure many of my classmates never did either, it always showed up that at least 10% of each of our papers contained similar phrases to other papers or works. I think this shows how many people have similar writing styles and share similar thoughts.


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