Accelerated Reader

While I was doing some research for my third portfolio, I came across this quote by Maya Angelou which I am actually using in my essay:

“Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his deep and continuing needs, is good for him.”

This quote reminded me of AR or Accelerated Reader, a program everyone in my middle school participated in.  AR gave points to books that could be accumulated. One could receive points after reading and taking a short quiz on a book.  At the end of a quarter, students were to have accumulated at least a certain number of points.  Students could choose any books they desired from the list.  AR was a means of encouraging us to make reading a part of our daily activity.  It definitely helped encourage my love of reading.

Here is the AR Book Finder website

2 thoughts on “Accelerated Reader

  1. Daniel Mills Post author

    It is interesting to reinterpret her proposal of “any book” as either a print or e-book. Whatever gets us to love reading, any kind of reading, is good.

  2. Jason Elliot Melendez Post author

    I feel like that AR program might actually have a negative impact. On one hand, it does encourage reading. On the other, it’s forcibly encouraging reading. I’ve always thought that making something a requirement takes some of the fun out of it. Of course, if by that point you enjoy reading, then there’s no real harm.


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