Bookstores can’t keep up

I was reading an article today about a bookstore that is in the process of closing. I found a quote within the article that I found very interesting. It stated “Publishers make deals with Amazon that they don’t make with anyone else.” I was surprised by this statement because I never really realized how much Amazon has really stepped into the book market. Although I associate Amazon with the kindle, I never really understood just how much of a stake Amazon has in the electronic book market. I think it will be interesting to see what happens in the future with other bookstores and to see if Amazon continues to grow and be successful with the increasing popularity of e-books.

After reading this article and writing the blog post, I decided to do a little research on Amazon and I found that Amazon is actually a dominant contributor in the e-book world. I think it is so interesting how important electronic reading is to Amazon’s profit, yet I had no idea how much of a stake Amazon really had on the electronic book market.

One thought on “Bookstores can’t keep up

  1. cantorb Post author

    Amazon is dominating the book industry. They are one of the largest online retailers and they continue to grow. They’re customer base and ease of use gives them influence over different industries that some stores just can’t compete with.


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