Ebooks to books

At the brown bag we were informed that the library now basically 100,000 ebooks and 500,000 normal books.  Its pretty impressive how fast this number of ebooks has entered the library.  I wonder if ebooks will ever outnumber books.  I know there will always be special old books that an ebook could never replace, but eventually we may stop producing certain books all together and leave the text digital.

2 thoughts on “Ebooks to books

  1. malhotrb Post author

    e-books will probably be greater in number than traditional books, but it seems that traditional books are more used that e books

  2. Jason Elliot Melendez Post author

    I feel like it’s only a matter of time before that ratio inverses. E-book seems to be the “new book” and that’s what people gravitate towards. And looking back, we don’t use papyrus or parchment anymore do we? Seems like the step after “paper” is “digital screen.”


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