BrownBag Digital Vs Traditional

I especially liked the brown bag because due to the contrast of views of the two librarians.  There was the technologically savvy, open-minded Mr. Luhrs discussing the possibilities of future technology and its affect on copyright versus the traditional physical book loving Mrs. Heidenwolf worried about the affect of technology on publishers and artists.  I enjoyed watching their contrast in views even though they were reluctant to oppose a fellow professor past a certain extent.

Its interesting to see how the Ebook has also aided traditional books in its determination of supply.  Mrs. Heidenwolf explained that when viewers look at an ebook for an extended period of time in their online catalog, the book is added to the inventory list and purchased in attempt to match consumer demand

Mrs. Heidenwolf also informed us that the library now basically has 100,000 ebooks and 500,000 normal books.  Its pretty impressive how fast this number of ebooks has entered the library.  I wonder if ebooks will ever outnumber books.  I know there will always be special old books that an ebook could never replace, but eventually we may stop producing certain books all together and leave the text digital.


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