Thoughts On Third Paper

When trying to think about how to make the court case I am going to write about in my paper fit with audio, at first I couldn’t think of anything.  Then I thought I would do a news report answering the question (reporter) and the opinions on the case (justices) and the outcome combined with the importance (judge).  By speaking through these personalities on audio it makes it very clear.  The remainder of this blog will be a rough draft.

Reporter: “Here we are outside the Supreme Court waiting for a decision on the Kirtsaeng v. Wiley case.  This case is of constitutional importance because it will either extend the powers of international copyright or contract them.  Also, it is key in the use of websites such as Amazon that buy and resell goods. Here come the justices now with their opinions!”

Justice Breyer:  “Six of us justices have decided that it is lawful under the constitution to buy and sell goods overseas.  Kirtsaeng is protected under the law and may do this action.  The constitution says that geography does not limit the sale of goods therefore this is ok.”

Justice Ginsburg: “Myself and two other justices disagree with this evaluation.  This action only hurts the copyright law and other companies.  This was not the intended way the law was to be used as set up by Congress.  The purpose of the law is to protect the creators of goods from getting taken advantage of which is exactly what this action allows.”

Reporter: “So there we have it although the court rules in favor of Kirtsaeng it was not unanimous and there is dissent. ”

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One thought on “Thoughts On Third Paper

  1. mannap Post author

    This is an interesting way of doing this paper that I have not considered before. The presentation is truly unique, and could result in your ideas being related easily to the audience. I will look forward to seeing this work when it is completed.


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