Third Paper Idea

Although the rise of ebooks has undoubtedly introduced a number of positive elements into society, it has also produced a strain on privacy and financial comfort among many individuals. Privacy is actually a big issue that the rise of ebooks has infringed upon, which I know many people might find surprising. In fact, some might ask, how is something as simple as a digital book capable of taking away a person’s privacy? To answer this question, many teachers nowadays use ebooks to track their students’ everyday reading trends and habits. Although this can be beneficial for numerous reasons and can assist in creating a better learning experience for the reader, it certainly does cross a line in regard to reader privacy. A person’s reading experience should be private—between themself and their chosen book. Ebooks make this difficult to happen, consequently changing the overall definition of reading as a whole from one centered around the private person to something much more public. My essay will explore this topic.

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