Brainstorm for Essay

Here is my brainstorming for my essay:

CD’s, cassette tapes, etc..are a thing of the past. MP3‘s started in…..with the….and iTunes began the revolution of distributing individual songs to coincide with the release of the iPod. Since iTunes has been selling individual songs, the distribution of music has been different than it has been in the past, and it will never be the same again.

Past distribution: Full albums were sold, people listened to all of the songs on an album and artists were appreciated…..Stores were there to sell these things and now they are gone.

Apple then thought it would be a great idea to sell songs individually so people wouldn’t have to buy the full album. This reduced album sales, but was good for the music industry because then people could spend their money on a wider variety of music.

People are able to take their music places now. There are no Walkman’s and (%) of people have iTunes compatible iPods/iPhones. People can be more immersed in their music at all times. There is no such thing as portable record players…you don’t have to carry a bunch of tapes or CD’s around to listen to different things…


One thought on “Brainstorm for Essay

  1. Abigail Williams Post author

    iTunes made it convenient and easily to buy songs as well. Before I had my driver’s license, I was at the will of my parents’ schedules to get rides to places to which I could not walk or bike. The advent of a popular online music store made it as easy as a click of a button to buy the coolest or catchiest song. Although I bought fewer CDs because of iTunes, I definitely bought more music because of the convenience. Now even though I do have a car, I would never consider driving to a music/record store. If I love an entire CD, I still have the capability to purchase it on iTunes.


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