Potential Essay Topic

Overall, I am a pro-book person when it comes to the debate between books and e-books. But I can see that the e-book does offer some advantages over the book. I think it would be neat to set up a compare contrast essay while also maybe incorporating interviews into the essay, for the audio part. What I mean by that would be for example, recording a few of my professors’ view points on the debate between such. This topic is greatly relevant to today’s society because e-books are becoming more and more popular day by day, while the book is waning in its popularity. “No technology, not even one as elegant as the book, lasts forever”- Jeff Bezos

2 thoughts on “Potential Essay Topic

  1. cantorb Post author

    That is an excellent quote that pertains really well with our class. I do think that there is a better technology than books out there, but for some reason, I’m not the biggest fan of ebooks. It seems like it is just a tablet with books on it; an ebook is not meant for just reading as a book is.

  2. mortatia Post author

    That is an awesome quote! Your idea sounds really cool too! It will be interesting to see which way professors lean in this debate!


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