Portfolio 3 Topic

For my third portfolio, I will be focusing on the impact that ebooks and the rise of digital technology have had on lending institutions, such as libraries.  (Today’s lunch talk was especially useful for me in this sense.)  I will use examples of libraries such as the University of Virginia, the New York Public Library, and Google Library to illustrate the positive and negative aspects that this technology has had on libraries.  I hope to incorporate Paul Goldstein’s concept of the celestial jukebox to demonstrate one possible solution/alternative to the lending of ebooks.

3 thoughts on “Portfolio 3 Topic

  1. cantorb Post author

    I’m glad today’s talk was beneficial for your essay. I think it would be really interesting to incorporate the celestial jukebox with ebooks. Who knows..it could be a solution to the problem!

  2. ashnaulb Post author

    The rise of eBooks is very prevalent and this is a good question to explore and answer. I wonder to what extent eBooks will grow to before they have reached their ceiling for potential.

  3. Abigail Williams Post author

    Sounds like an interesting essay! Library eBook acquisition seems complicated. Before Thursday’s brown bag, I never considered the business skills librarians need to keep libraries useful and competitive.


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