3 thoughts on “Dinosaurs Alive!

  1. rauc Post author

    I think it is a very neat and advanced technology. But it seems to be more like watching some sort of slide show rather than reading a book. I think that it allows for a lot of distraction and potential confusion. It seems that it will be easier for children to flip pages to have something pop up from the book infront of them rather than them having to line up the book with the screen infront of them in order to see the pop up. I think that the concentration process needed to work the digital pop up book may take away from children’s attention; this detraction of attention is not good for the learning process.

  2. Daniel Mills Post author

    That’s one hell of a video for it. I’ve seen this technology before, Augmented Reality, from the Nintendo 3DS. Each little black square is an anchor, and it only has one 3D image associated with it. I guess it’s a nice technology for reading, but unnecessary. A printed book or kindle would work much better.

  3. Jason Elliot Melendez Post author

    That’s pretty cool, but right now, it seems to just be fancy for the sake of fancy. The images are great, but I wouldn’t want to read like that.


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