Live performance and copyright

After watching the speakers today, I thought about whether or not their speeches should be treated the same way as books when it comes to copyright. Honestly, I think speeches should have copyright laws. The person is speaking their mind, their words, and their thoughts. How is that any different from someone who chooses to write it down instead of saying it out loud?

2 thoughts on “Live performance and copyright

  1. sheetss Post author

    That is very true there should be copyright laws connected to speeches especially because most of them are probably premeditated.

  2. Jason Elliot Melendez Post author

    It is interesting to think of speeches with copyright, simply because of how it is delivered. Unlike books or videos, the only record the audience is left with is their memory of the event. It would be difficult (or well, just impossible) to put copyright countermeasures into people’s minds. What’s to stop someone from casually quoting a speaker to his friends?


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