The Form of Reading

The discussion in class yesterday made me think about what I read. Normally, when asked what I read, I think in the direction of literature, and how most of the time the manga I read isn’t considered as such. But being told that the things we come across on facebook and the internet count as “reading” I realize just how much reading I do. When I was younger, I loved spending time looking for books in the library and reading a lot of books.  I felt like I read a lot less, and that Striphas’s book pointed out my own decline in reading. But with all the internet surfing and searching I do, I probably read more than I ever did.

2 thoughts on “The Form of Reading

  1. Abigail Williams Post author

    I agree. I found it interesting what American culture and society deems as reading–books, magazines, etc.–but how we use the verb much more often. We are constantly reading. The content, however, probably has a smaller impact on us intellectually.

  2. wrightka Post author

    It is interesting to think about reading is these terms. When I began to think about it, I realized most of what I learning reading wise has come from all of these sources like facebook and twitter.


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