A Follow Up to the Subscription Conversation

Password sharing is becoming more and more common on sites such as HBO Go, Netflix, and Hulu. Apparently, we are not the only people who have taken notice of this trend. A New York Times article titled, “No TV? No Subscription? No Problem” focused on the same topic. According to the author, “to the collective relief of nearly everyone I know, the companies with whom I spoke seemed to have little to no interest in curbing our sharing behavior — in part because they can’t.” The companies cannot track how many people are free-riding. They believe the current business model still generates the most profit.

One sentence in particular stuck out to me the most in this article: “[M]any more new paths are likely if the entertainment companies’ business models evolve in tandem with users’ habits.”Societal trends and advancements in technology are both changing how people use entertainment. Although e-Books and television are different, both industries’ business models and methods of delivery might be shifting as people change their user habits.

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