Different type of concert

Recently I have become aware of artists putting on online concerts for their fans to enjoy in the comfort of their own homes, for free. Usually such artists are not too popular, but this type of idea reminds me of how concerts used to be according to a clip from the sweet spot – not to make money, but rather to just get the music out there and share it. One may think that this type of concert is basically the same as looking up the songs on youtube; however, it does have the live aspect to it that makes it different. I wonder what would happen if someone were to audio record or videotape a concert like that? Would anyone ever even know it was being recorded? And the fact that its already free- would that mean it’s completely okay to be recorded?

3 thoughts on “Different type of concert

  1. mortatia Post author

    I think that if the artist doesn’t ask for the concert to not be recorded, their can’t be anything wrong with someone doing so as long as they don’t later try to sell their recording or make some kind of profit off of it.

  2. ashnaulb Post author

    This is a great idea for both the bands and the fans. Some bands play better live and now the experience can be spread to more people which produces more fans and revenue for the artist. The fans love it too because they can see their favorite bands live even if they are not there.

    1. Jason Elliot Melendez Post author

      I was about to mention that a “recording of a live is no longer a live” but your point about bands playing better live makes sense. There are singers that I have heard in album, but when I hear them in a recording of a live concert, I prefer the live version. With that in mind, this actually becomes a pretty decent idea.


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