Recording Lectures

I was thinking about this weeks prompt and the great speakers that are coming to Lafayette. I completely understand why we are not allowed to record their speeches. But what about our class lectures? The other day I noticed that two girls in my art history class were recording the lecture. I know that they never asked the teacher if this was okay. I was thinking about a book that my aunt gave me called “College Success”. It had a section on recording I noticed when I flipped through it and it mentioned that recording is not always a good idea and that a lecturer’s permission is necessary.

5 thoughts on “Recording Lectures

  1. Daniel Mills Post author

    I have a professor who does not allow us to record our class discussions. He in fact said that his class was his intellectual property, and he owned it. Even if not for pure courtesy, we should of course request permission to record lectures since the professor crafted the class herself.

  2. rauc Post author

    that’s interesting- I wonder why it is not allowed under fair use to always be allowed to tape a class lecture.

  3. mortatia Post author

    I think that if recording a lecture was to fall under fair use, people would abuse the ability and would stop paying attention in class, or even attending, and would rather, listen to the lecture at their own convenience.

  4. Jason Elliot Melendez Post author

    Recording a lecture most likely would fall under fair use, but if the IP owner (in this e case the professor) denies the allowance to record it it sould be the same as stealing. Not to mention the previously mentioned issues with class attention or attendance.


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