Social Norms

In my sociology class we are reading a book called “Taken for Grantedness” about the embedding of the mobile phone unto society. It is interesting to think about how it became socially acceptable to be texting someone while amongst other people. In the same way it is now acceptable for students to have ebooks in class. These ebooks enable students however to do much more than read. I wonder if this has negative effects on learning.

4 thoughts on “Social Norms

  1. wrightka Post author

    Personally, I think it will have an affect on learning. I find myself distracted all the time by my cell phone in class. I could not imagine having something in front of me to distract me all the time.

  2. Jason Elliot Melendez Post author

    I see this same thing happen with laptops. Yeah, it’s easier, faster, and less painful on the wrists to type notes, but Facebook is always a click a way. I know I wouldn’t bring out my computer or kindle in class because I can’t trust myself to not be distracted.

  3. rauc Post author

    I agree that with advances in technology comes more distractions. Anything that has the potential to take your focus off of the main task at hand I think will ultimately hinder learning.

  4. sheetss Post author

    ebooks will defiantly give students the ability to distract themselves but it also gives them the ability to learn self control and access relevant material faster.


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