Seeds of Plagiarism

In this article  Jane Goodall addresses the plagiarism incident regarding her book, Seeds of Hope: Wisdom and Wonder from the World of Plants. Interestingly, the book is co-authored with Gail Hudson, meaning Goodall is not solely at fault. The article continues on to state how, with the internet as it is today, it is fairly easy to plagiarize from others, sometimes even without knowing.

2 thoughts on “Seeds of Plagiarism

  1. filipekc Post author

    That was the first I heard of that story. I did not lose any respect for Goodall because I believe that it is too easy to plagiarize or by accidentally leave out a citation.

  2. sheetss Post author

    yea theres alot of articles out there that just try to find plagiarism that was both unintentional and irrelevant to the author’s credibility.


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