Secrecy and privacy

While reading an article called “Is it a Book or an App,” I came across an interesting quote. The author wrote that “middle age women can read soft porn in public without anyone knowing about it”. I found this slightly funny and very interesting. When I see people reading, I often look at the book they are reading and sometimes even look it up if it looks interesting. However with electronic books, no one will ever see what a person is reading in the open. I think e-books adds a privacy to reading that maybe was not there before. Know anyone can openly read whatever they want! I think that is great maybe a guy wants to read twilight while relaxing at the beach now he can with no problems!

2 thoughts on “Secrecy and privacy

  1. malhotrb Post author

    It’s strange to think of a new invention as adding privacy, when everything else that’s new is taking away from privacy (facebook, twitter, etc).

  2. rauc Post author

    I never thought about that aspect of e-books. That is probably one of the few things that passes as a pro of e-books in my opinion. To play devils advocate, I could also potentially see that as a con. Sometimes what people are reading can be a casual conversation starter. Thus, with that information concealed, people become more isolated and it could inhibit people from potentially meeting someone they could really connect with.


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