Experiencing a Book

In middle school, I loved checking out the oldest books in the library and reading them – not necessarily for their content, but I was strangely fascinated by how the pages sounded like when you turned them, and the musty smell of old books that seemed to shroud the books with mystery. Nowadays, old books are becoming harder and harder to find, and e-books are dominating the book frontier. With an e-book, you can store thousands of books on a single device, surf the web, and check email (on the increasingly popular sophisticated types of e-books). However, with that technology takes away much of the reading experience, from flipping the pages to smelling the pages of the book. While the e-book may be more practical, for me, there will be nothing that can replace the ethereal experience of reading a book.

One thought on “Experiencing a Book

  1. wrightka Post author

    I could not agree more. I could not imagine growing up with only e-books. My experiences with books has helped me grow as a person!


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