Electronic Convenience

Technology in a general sense, is meant to make things easier and more convenient for uses and consumers. Regular physical books have their perks, but it would be hard to deny the convenience brought on by e-books. Naturally, the first is space. Aside from the reader used to store and access them, e-books take up no physical space. On my kindle I have a few tens of books, all of which fit neatly into my coat pocket. Furthermore, if I am on a roll with reading, but finish a book, it is a simple matter to access another e-book and continue. With a regular book, accessing another would require being in the same room, giving a limit to area.

As much as I vouched for physical copies in other posts, I am glad to have my kindle for my anytime reading needs.

3 thoughts on “Electronic Convenience

  1. rauc Post author

    I can see how it’s convenience is nice sometimes, but I can’t help but get past just how different it is from an actual book. When i’m older I want to have a library in my house with all the books I’ve read (or most of them for that matter). I think that would be a very nice thing, but if the world switches over to e-books- that will all be eliminated; And all I’ll be able to display is a screen.

  2. malhotrb Post author

    “It’s not about the goal; it’s about the journey.” I think society today has forgotten what it means to work towards something, and not instantly have it on your hands, which is what this world is coming to.

  3. wrightka Post author

    I also enjoy having my kindle on me sometimes. Although I love books, I also loved only having to carry my kindle with me through the airport over Spring Break.


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