copyright and photography

After reading some blog posts this week, I became curious as too the laws of copyright for photography.  I came across this blog which begins with an interview with an attorney, Carolyn E. Wright, who focuses on the needs of photographers.  In the interview, Carolyn E. Wright says, “When photographers take photos of people, they must be careful to not invade their privacy. This happens when someone enters a person’s private domain in a manner that would be considered offensive to the average person.”  Wright also says that some courts have found photographs taken in public to be a violation of privacy rights. I know that I wouldn’t want to be unknowingly photographed in public and have my picture shared without my knowledge.

2 thoughts on “copyright and photography

  1. Shannon Moran Post author

    That’s an interesting discussion, considering what we have learned about documentary films from Dr. Sikand. I believe I remember Dr. Sikand saying that filmmakers were required to obtain consent from subjects before including them in a film. Why is not the same not true for photographers?

  2. rauc Post author

    I agree that this is an interesting point. It is tough to keep track of all the photos that are being taken of you. I often wonder how many photos I am in that I am unaware of and will never see. It’s a bit of a creepy thought. Especially now with smartphones it is so easy to snap a picture without anyone noticing.


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