Read a book… earn money

After I read the blog prompt I coincidently stumbled upon a blog post about a possible future of ebooks. On his blog, Seth Godin wrote today about Amazons next kindle to be released to the public: the Kindle Zero. Why is it called zero? It will be free to amazon prime members. If only it were true… it is however a pretty plausible April fools joke. Many people retweeted Godin in full belief that kindle zero was a real thing.

The second interesting news in the blog was the potential cash reward given by Random House and Wiley to read books. (Not an april fools joke) This would be applied to 10% of their books that were previously free. Read a book and earn money. The ebook would use some program to tell if the reader read the book and didn’t just flip through it or scroll to the end. The chart below demonstrates how publishers would actually profit from this:  explained by this site

Pay To Read

One thought on “Read a book… earn money

  1. Daniel Mills Post author

    Sounds like a pretty effective way to encourage more ebook sales. More people will buy ebooks looking for a payout in the end, and their reading might even inspire them to buy more books on the same author or subject. Also a fun way to just encourage reading.


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