Online pirate websites in the courts again

It seems like every time I sit down to do these posts, another one of those pirate websites (Megaupload, The Pirate Bay, etc.) is losing a court case. This time, the unlucky party is BitTorrent. Recently, this website and its associates lost a major ruling against Disney, Fox, Paramount, and a slew of other major producers. The ruling was that BitTorrent was allowing for people to illegally download and distribute films and television shows. The ruling was unanimous, and charges will be named soon. It seems as if a new change is coming for the internet. These websites, which once were major powers on the internet, are now being slowly taken apart. It will be interesting to see how this long developments unfolds, and if the legal system is able to truly eliminate these entities.

One thought on “Online pirate websites in the courts again

  1. filipekc Post author

    In reference to this blog post, I just read an article about Game of Thrones and how pirating of their show has actually helped them. Their show happens to be the top pirated show and it has helped them to gain a wide audience. This audience then actually supports the show through other fan- based revenue sources. Maybe it is wrong to think of these piracy websites as all- bad.


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