Free Music

Today in the brown bag, we learned that there are different websites that have free music available for producers and directors to use in their videos. I found this extremely interesting, so I decided to look into one of these websites. When searching the internet, I found the Free Music Archive. The Free Music Archive is a portal for producers to find free music for their videos. I looked around the website a little bit and explored some of the music. A lot of the music on the Free Music Archive was really strange, but there were some really great songs. I found this website to be a great idea for both the producers looking for music and the artist looking to get their music out there. It is interesting how artist just place their work out there in hopes of having someone use it. It is also interesting to think that a producer has the potential to make one of these artist famous by using their work. I think this is a great example of how copyright laws can be worked around and be used to an artist advantage.



One thought on “Free Music

  1. rauc Post author

    This is an interesting “other side” to copyright. It seems that this is a great sight for upcoming artists to display their music, hoping to get recognized- wanting their music to be associated with anything they can to popularize it. However I guess I could maybe see the side where already established song writers keep their music away from theses sights. As these artists already have a tone to their music and a fan base, and maybe they don’t want their music to be looked at differently or in a way that it was not intended to be heard.


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