Film Brownbag part 1

I never really thought about all of the small technicalities in putting together a film. All I ever thought of was the script and the actors memorizing the lines correctly. But when professor Sikand mentioned the example of shooting an important scene and it “getting ruined” by a car driving by playing an Adele song, I realized just how easily things could get complicated. The scene that the filmmakers were shooting now probably costs them double the amount of money, just from the brief background of a popular song. And because of this large amount of money being owed to Adele and her “crew,” a lot of smaller film makers will shy away from using their crucial footage, just because they can’t afford to pay for the few seconds of Adele in the backgroud. It is sad that a lot of important films are being thrown by the way side because of these types of monetary problems. This example reminds me of a quote from the epilogue of Vaidhyanathan’s book, Copyrights & Copywrongs, “Isn’t copyright supposed to encourage art?…Instead, more and more, excessive and almost perpetual copyright protection seems to be squelching beauty, impeding exposure, stifling creativity” ( Vaidhyanathan 185).

One thought on “Film Brownbag part 1

  1. Brittany Kulcsar Post author

    I am shocked at how intricate and unnecessary that copyright protection has become. It is a shame that something as simple as an Adele song playing in the background of a film can make it that much more difficult for that film to be produced.


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