First to File

As of yesterday the United States patten system has switched from the old “first to invent” patent system to a more modern “first to file” system. This article gives concise and easy to understand explanation of what this means for the patent system. It is interesting that until yesterday, the US was one of the only countries operating under the old system. How do you think, if at all, this will effect inventors and their inventions?

4 thoughts on “First to File

  1. Daniel Mills Post author

    We’ll see a lot more people running to the patent office now. If anything, it may encourage inventors to finish their inventions quicker, so that they can completely fill a file. Or, it may result in a lot of preemptive files: it’s not finished yet, but I’m working on this, please hold my place until it’s done.

  2. filipekc Post author

    I actually read an article about that the other day. I think that if anything this hurts start-up inventors who do not have the resources available to larger firms. A single inventor needs to not only invent an item but find the money to either higher a lawyer or take the time to type up a patent report and then pay to file it. While larger firms, with many lawyers at their disposal, can go through this process in a quicker manner.

  3. mortatia Post author

    I think that while this will definitely get some people to finish their inventions more quickly, it may discourage others. As Claire points out, an inventor may not have all the resources a bigger firm may have available to them and may lose out on the opportunity.

  4. Candace Beach Post author

    I also see this as being a double edged sword. I feel it will be harder for those just starting up and what their future holds. I could see why larger firms would be in favor of the new system. Maybe the larger firms will be more inclined to assist the new inventors although this is highly unlikely. I feel like if an inventor has a product that is good enough they can find the necessary funding for their invention.


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