Brownbag on Tuesday

The brown bag on Tuesday was really cool after watching Arabian Nights. I thought that it was interesting to talk to the person who directed and choreographed the performance. I felt like I was in the presence of a celebrity. She was the one who made all of the final decisions about the musical; what dances should be done, who was to make the music, what parts to cut out, who would play what character, etc… I was impressed that she was able to see the show across the pond in Great Britain before she played it here. She was also able to see how to make it more family friendly, something she might not have been able to do if she didn’t get inspiration from the showing in Britain.

I also thought it was interesting how the playwright allowed so much flexibility in the production of their play. I think this is because the playwright is a professor and has probably put on plays at their college/university also. They have experienced the difficulty of putting on a play with a limited amount of volunteers and sticking to the script exactly. The playwright is non-pompous and is okay with other people performing their work, with whatever spin on it is needed to make the production as great as it could be.

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