Basketball and Branding

A basketball game has branding everywhere. Since Bucknell was the home team, there was orange and blue splashed along the arena.  Bucknell had the bison as its mascot and Lafayette is the Leopard. I noticed that Lafayette’s logo is copyrighted. I am pretty sure that means that permission needs to be given before the logo is used in anything. It was printed in a lot of different places and I wonder if all of them went through the same steps to legally use the logo, or if they just printed them assuming that it would be ok.  When anyone prints the Lafayette logo, could they be sued for doing so? Even if I go to the school, do I still have to ask permission to use the logo?

One thought on “Basketball and Branding

  1. massiek Post author

    Another interesting topic regarding our logo is all the different variations of our school name and mascot there are. The golf team’s equipment alone has 5 or 6 different logos, each of which is trademarked. The paper work alone to trademark all of our logos must take forever.


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