Waging war against Internet piracy

Is internet piracy stoppable? It seems as soon as one website closes, another one pops up. The “copyright alert system” also known as “six strikes” was debuted and activated by Verizon and Comcast.The new system is funded by a group known as the Center for Copyright Information (CCI), which is made up of five major American ISPs, the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), and the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). It’s been in the works for years and may provide a significant change to the copyright infringement policing regime in the United States.

This system is called “six strikes” because subscribers who are found to be illegally sharing content will be sent six electronic warnings,  and if they fail to comply, they could temporarily lose Web access or have their Internet speed slowed to a crawl for two to three days. Do you think that this will change the way people pirate media?


3 thoughts on “Waging war against Internet piracy

  1. sheetss Post author

    First of all im sure people dedicated to piracy will find ways around this by creating some sort of alternate aliases either through different IP addresses or accounts.

    Secondly 6 strikes? I know when im downloading something illegally the first time- and the ramifications arent too strict.

    I especially liked the introduction cartoon from this article because thats how I feel stopping internet piracy is equivalent to.

  2. malhotrb Post author

    Although this will hopefully slow people down, if people want something, they’ll stop at nothing to get it. The black market existed back in the day; bootleg items are still sold in large cities, and if people want goods, they’ll find a way around it.

  3. massiek Post author

    I agree, these laws are always a step behind the people breaking them. It will take more than government regulation to curb internet piracy


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